Why does January seem to go on forever? Unlike some, I don't actually mind January, I like to see the whole month as a fresh start (February is a different matter...!) so the longevity doesn't bother me, but once we hit Spring, the months seem to disappear so quickly!
The 'new year' positive vibes have stayed with me this month and I've felt a real shift in my attitude and outlook on life - I'm loving it and if it could stick around that would be great. I've put a lot of time into one particular project the past few weeks and I'm hoping this year will see the results of it... whether they're the ones I intended initially or not.
I'm writing this on the day it'll be published, the last Monday of January and despite the aforementioned 'positive vibes', I'm feeling a little lost today, if I'm honest. A combination of a busy week last week, waiting to hear back about certain things, hormones, wearing comfys, no make up and a frizzy pineapple for a hair-do and a grey, dull day has left me feeling a little 'meh'. However, tomorrow is a new day! I'm going to wear my new polka dot shirt, pop on a red lip, see the sunshine (if the forecast is correct...) and do some life admin and catching up with my best friend. Pretty good medicine if you ask me!
As far as self-care goes, I've taken some baby steps and stuck to them so far! I bought a big water bottle with a straw and have been drinking at least one of those a day, according to my app that's about half the recommended daily amount for my weight and height. I've had a few bubble baths to have some screen-free/destress time and it turns out I enjoy them a lot more than I thought. I've had a lot more awareness of the amount of time I'm spending on my phone and have stayed under my limit on 19 out of 29 days - which I think is good going!
Once hump day is out of the way, so is the month of Jan and we'll be waving hello to February!
As I said I'm going to pep myself up tomorrow and hopefully achieve a little more mental clarity before the week is out... but for now it's time to wrap up my work, clean my room and dance/sing my heart out to The Greatest Showman soundtrack (obsessed).

new new new: I'm going to add a song to every blog post! Music's a big ol' part of my life, so it's only right it sits alongside my blog too.