Sunday 26 January 2014

Link Love


Thought I would try out a new blog post on links that I have been loving recently, varies from pictures, to blog posts, to videos. Have a look yourself, just click on the titles!

None of my own images. All related to links below. 

I've always been a big fan of scrapbooking. Elsie and Emma's ideas are great, but I never feel like I could recreate it as well as theirs!

Although I do drink and go out with my friends. There are quite frequently times where I sit and think, 'No, I don't want to go out tonight. I want to sit on the sofa, with tea & chocolate and watch films all night' but I don't feel like I should feel like that. It's nice to know that that is completely normal!

I happened to stumble across it this, I loved it, captures the happiness of everyone perfectly. Very beautiful.

As a student (also a lover of making and baking) anything that only needs two ingredients is great for me! Excited to try a few of these out! 

I'm obsessed with Lorna Jane's book 'More' right now, it's all about Active Living. The book is full of inspirational little things like this post. 

A lot of the things I worry about popped up in this list. People fret about the littlest things, without realising that there's nothing wrong with them. 

What have you seen on the internet that you've loved recently? 


Monday 20 January 2014

10 Things That Made Me Happy This Week

Hello! It's been a fun week, here are my highlights:

(Photo from Pinterest. Source Unknown)
1. Celebrating Henry's birthday with him. Spoilt him like crazy and had a really lovely day! His birthday meal at Jamie's Italian was delicious. Honeycomb Cannelloni and a 'Jamie's Mojito', mmm!

2. Taking myself off for a walk along the seafront. It was lovely to get some fresh sea air and take some photos of the setting sun and calm sea. Have a look at my photos here.

3. Going to my best friends 18th birthday party! Abi has been my best friend since 2006 and it really is crazy how much we have grown up. We don't see each other enough, that's something I want to chance this year.

4. Doing a healthy food shop. It was only a little one (As I don't do big food shops!) but knowing the food was all good for me was nice. I need to do a few more of those! Tomato and Cucumber heirloom salad is a new favourite. So simple, but so yummy!

5. My first MAC purchase... 'Ruby Woo' Matte Lipstick. I'm in love.

6. Reckless Ambition's gig on saturday. The overwhelming feeling of proudness when I see Henry perform is amazing. 'Like' them on Facebook & Listen to their album here.

7. Doing 'Musical Theatre in styles at uni', singing 'Summer Nights' from 'Grease'. Brought back my love for it. I miss it, big time!

8. A few songs that have been on repeat recently:
Home - Dan Croll
You & I - One Direction
Berlin - RY X.

9. The Great Sport Relief Bake Off... I LOVE YOU. That's all I need to say.

10. The past few times I've done my liquid eyeliner it's been perfect and equal, this is a rare occurrence! (Definitely going to jinx it now)

What made you happy this week? 

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside!


The sun was shining yesterday so I took myself, a cup of english breakfast tea and my camera down to the beach to take some photos.
Despite it being ice cold (and my hands going numb) I could of stayed there for hours taking photos of the glittery sea, golden sky and crushing waves. 


Sunday 12 January 2014

i heart birthdays!

(Victoria Sponge made by Henry's mum. So delicious!)

When it comes to birthdays, I absolutely love to spoil the people that mean the most to me. It's my boyfriends birthday tomorrow, so spoilt he shall be! 
We've been out for a lovely meal with his family tonight and some presents have been opened (As I type he is playing guitar using his new amp)
Tomorrow, I will be cooking him breakfast, giving him his presents (wrapped very well... bows and ribbons and all that) and after a few hours of uni lectures, I'll be taking him out for a romantic meal! 

Not a bad way to start a week or a rainy Monday if you ask me! 

Do you like spoiling your loved ones? What does your Monday consist of?

Thursday 2 January 2014

New Years Resolutions!

HELLO 2014!
Happy New Year! 
Here are my New Years Resolutions!

New Years Eve with Henry's sister, Emma!
1. Write a blog post at least once a week.
This one might be a little hard to keep to every single week, especially around assessment time at university, but I want to try my best to write a blog post every week. Even if it's just a little one. My blog is a happy place and I love the feeling of publishing a blog post I'm proud of.

2. Song write more and learn more songs on the piano.
Seeing as I'm studying a Professional Musicianship degree this one should be something I already do... but when you study it every day, it's not always what you want to do when you get home. 

3. Start vlogging. 
I have have have to do this. I wanted to start last summer, but 'conveniently' never got round to it. The new year couldn't be a better time to start so I have no excuse. Lack of confidence can do one, it's time do do what makes me happy! I will aim for at least one vlog a month! 

4. Be Happy, Confident, Healthy and Positive.
This is an important one. I'm not saying I'm miserable, shy, unhealthy (although my new christmas food baby might disagree...) and negative at the moment, but I do have my down moments and that is something I want to try and get rid of!

5. Be more proactive and organised!
I need to stop lying on my bed scrolling through blogs/twitter/tumblr/facebook for hours when I should be doing house hold chores or more importantly working. On paper, I'm organised, Lists galore! But in reality, I'm super lazy and I need to actually start doing what's on my To Do List! 

What are you New Years Resolutions? I'd love to know!

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