Sunday 20 July 2014

Sunshine, Music & Friends!

A sunny Sunday of great music, fabulous company and lots of cider, beer and pimms! 

This post is all photo, photo, photos, sorry about that if you prefer a little more to read. 

The pram race took place and all the little ones were lining the streets armed with their water pistols to spray the pram race runners. This was all over pretty quickly, but we were more excited for the rest of the day.

Randy & The Rockets took to the stage (or opened out van should I say...!) and played for hours whilst people chatted, danced and mooched about in the sunshine! 

Martin is officially the best person to take action shots of, just look at that hair! 

Liam & his lovely girlfriend, Katie (above) and Henry & Nicky were the best company for the day.

Me & my lovely man.

Obviously I went for the burger, in fact, we all did! 

As the sun started to set Rory & Em turned up and fun continued!

We made our way to the pub to watch the world cup final! 
I'm not a football fan, but the world cup is a little bit more exciting than the usual stuff! 



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