Monday 5 June 2017

Five Things To Do The Week Before Your Holiday

Now we're in sunny June, I think it's safe to say it's SUMMER! 
I'm heading off to Spain in two days and I can't wait for a week of sun, sea and cocktails - but right now it's all about the holiday prep! For that reason, I'm running you through my steps for the week before you go on Holiday...

Write a 'Still Need to Buy' List

The week before I tend to head out to get any last minute clothing items I'm yet to get and I'll do the big toiletries shop!

Sort out Travel Insurance

I think the Post Office is pretty reliable for travel insurance, but have a look around and get a few quotes. It's generally not too pricey. Remember you can get a quote to cover you for multiple holidays if you're jetting off more than once this year, it could save you a few pennies. 

Book your Taxi to the Airport 

Nothing worse than that last minute panic! Get it booked in earlier if possible. 

Exchange your money

The pound isn't great right now, but have a look around for the best exchange rate and remember online price could differ to in-store prices! 

Get your body 'Summer Ready'

And by this I don't mean live in the gym, eat nothing and lose a few pounds (every body is summer ready, baby) I mean those thing that make you feel a little bit more prepared to get you bikini on! I like to arrive on my first day and be able to throw on swimwear, cover myself in suncream and head straight out to the sun for a dip in the pool - I don't want to be faffing about with nail varnish at that point! 

Nails - Whether you're getting them done, or doing them yourself! 
All the moisturiser - The sun will dry your skin out, so start the moisturising early! 
Hair Removal - Book any waxes in advance or make sure you've got nice new razors! 
Pedicure -  A little TLC for the feet that have been in winter boots for far too long!
Hair - I have had my hair cut and coloured ready for Summer and I'll be straightening it before I go, so it's easy to manage on my first day, as after that it'll be back to its usual curls for the rest of the week!

Those are my top 5 (okay, maybe it's more with the body care!) things to do before I jet off on holiday!

What does your to-do list look like before you go away?


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