Thursday 21 July 2016

Stay Hydrated & Protected This Summer

With the beautiful hot weather we've had recently I wanted to talk about the importance of staying protected and hydrated in the sunshine. We've all has sunburn, we've all felt a little light headed after realising the only drink we've had all day was that morning coffee and some of us might of felt a bit worse for wear after a day in the heat. 
I love the smell of suncream, it takes me straight back to all my favourite summer holidays. I do not like, however, the stickiness of suncream - that tacky feeling that lingers all day and I've always found that Garnier's Ambre Solaire range is the best. I picked up Factor 30 from the Light & Silky range and a travel size Factor 50 for my face and for my scar on my wrist. I recently learnt how important it is to cover new scars when exposing them to sunlight. Your scar tissue will tan, but unlike your skin it will not fade, so make sure you cover up any new scars that will be in the sunshine this summer. 

Don't forget to protect your hair too, especially if it's been coloured. I love this Phyto Plage Protective Sun Veil, it's a spray oil. It smells delicious and is easy to chuck in your bag to top up throughout the day, especially after swimming! 
I definitely do not drink enough water! I use an app to try and track my water intake and keep it high, but if I'm honest I go through phases with it. One of the ways I try to combat this is making detox water, to give the water a little bit more taste. I used mint and lime here, but you can use absolutely anything really - strawberries, lemon, raspberries, blackberries, rosemary, anything.

I know this will be nothing new, but it's so important that I just wanted to pop up a little reminder on here. 

What have you been up to in the sunshine recently? :) 


1 comment

  1. I always forget sunscreen and to hydrate (oops, haha), so this was a good reminder! I love the sunglasses that are in the photos, too :)

    Akino |


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