Saturday 31 May 2014

When I Laugh, I'll Think Of You.

My wonderful Auntie, Diana, very sadly passed away earlier in May. 
I called her 'Nana' (Said: 'Narna' We're not sure how that came about, just a nickname that stuck since me and my brother were little)

I've been a bit a bit distant from my blog since it happened, my Auntie loved reading my blog. In fact, my blog brought my auntie and I a lot closer, which I couldn't be more thankful for. She would always tell me how much she loved my blog posts, especially my '10 Things That Made Me Happy This Week' because it really did make her think about what had made her happy. I even mentioned her in this blog post to make her smile, and it did, I received an excited email from her only hours later!

She was such a happy and cheery person, we always laughed so much when we were together, even when times were hard, she'd laugh and still find reasons to smile.

I miss her terribly, but I know that wherever she is, she'll be in the perfect cottage she always wanted to live in and reunited with her beloved dog 'Digby'.

 She was always so proud of my brother and I with our music. My brother wrote an amazing song for the funeral titled 'When I Laugh, I'll Think Of You' (I thought it was so fitting that I've stolen the name for the blog post!) I recorded a cover of 'Over The Rainbow' and I think she'd of loved them both so much.


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