Saturday 4 March 2017

Monthly To-Do List :: MARCH

It's a cosy Friday evening in the Furness household as I'm writing this. I meant to get this post up yesterday but I was an emotional wreck (it all started in the morning with the first listen to 'Supermarket Flowers' off Ed Sheeran's new album and it just went downhill from there...) and it just had to wait. So I had a treat yo' self evening - face masks, fluffy socks, manicures, candles and all the lovely stuff that leaves you feeling warm and fuzzy. 

But, it's the start of a new month - HOW?! 
I love March - a few signs of spring pop up. Daffodils, snowdrops, bluebells appear, blossom starts to, well... blossom! and you start to feel a little warmth from the sunshine when it decided to make an appearance! 

Time to reflect and think of my 'to-do's for March. 

-  M  A  R  C  H  -


- Finish off book two and start reading a third book. After a mammoth Amazon order so I'm stocked up for the next few months. I might film a video on the books I've read so far and ones I'm planning to read.
- Content plan for March and stick to it.
- Think about what I'm eating and get some regular exercise - 3 months until my holiday, I feel like that's a good amount of time to actually see some difference. 'A year ago you'll wish you started today' is SO true, so I need to remind myself that, like, every-damn-day. 
- Treat myself to something. I've eyed up a nice suede jacket in Primark and some gorgeous Spring shirts in Zara. Financially times are tough, but I think it's important to treat yourself to a little something every now and then. 
- Reflect more. What's been worrying me, the possible reasons why and how I'm going to deal with those thoughts. 
- Embrace the little Spring Jewels that will be popping up all around from now on. Take more photos of them. 
- Read more blogs & magazines. I have a whole bookmark folder saved of blogs I adore and a whole heap of magazines I need to flick through. It's perfect for when I'm feeling a little uninspired so I need to remember that this month. 
- SPRING CLEAN. Mainly because I LOVE it, but also because it's needed. Especially in the full to bursting wardrobe!  

What are your little goals for March? 


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